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The Copy Accelerator

Master the fundamentals of copywriting and you have the No.1 entrepreneurial skill literally at your fingertips.


Learn to write great copy... in just 12 weeks 

What you'll get:

  • Join the 12-week programme designed to rapidly develop your copywriting skills
  • Personalised feedback tailored to you by your dedicated copywriting coach through the 12 weeks
  • ​Make more money, be more persuasive and feel a ton-load more confident in your ability to knock out copy that gets results every time
  •  ​Whether you're the boss or running the show in terms of marketing or sales, become your company's MVP
  •  ​Have the know-how to persuade others, capture attention and make money whenever and wherever you want 

The Copy Accelerator is designed to transform your copywriting ability from “getting by” to “focused, targeted and highly effective”. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].